How does a touch screen monitor work? It is actually quite easy to answer – well, it’s just a computer! The computer that the monitor is connected to (usually through a USB port) can detect movements or patterns on the surface of the monitor. If the surface has been treated with a particular material, the computer will recognize this pattern and “talk” to the resistive screen of the monitor to produce a pixel that corresponds to whatever is displayed. If no material has been used, the computer simply recognizes the coordinates as being horizontal, vertical, or diagonal.
In order to make this all happen, there are three components that make up the actual monitor itself. These components are the monitor itself, a light source, and the resistive layer. There are some differences between these three components, but basically they all have the same function – to produce an image that is seen on the monitor screen. The differences come in when dealing with touch screen monitors. Let’s take a look at how this all works.
One of the most important characteristics of a touch screen monitor is image clarity. Image clarity means the clear viewing of the image which is produced by the touch point of the monitor. In order to achieve image clarity, two factors need to be considered – first, the response time of the monitor, and second, the capacitance of the resistive layer. When these two factors are in balance, then image clarity is achieved.
While image clarity is of utmost importance for touch screen monitors, it is not the only factor to be considered. The other two components, namely resistive and capacitive, play an important role as well. Capacitive touch screens, for example, tend to be better equipped to pick up “mild” finger pressure than resistive screens do. Capacitive touch screens therefore tend to be better for picking up lighter finger pressure than resistive ones.
How does a touch screen monitor to work for a computer is quite different than how it works for cell phones, for example? You may have noticed that when you pick up a cell phone from someone’s hand, you don’t see any of the fingers actually make contact with the phone. This is because the phone has a resistive touch screen, meaning that the display doesn’t detect the finger – it just detects a small magnetic field. With resistive touch screens, the screen tries to detect the finger based on the changes in the electrical charges produced by the finger. These changes, called electromagnetic impulses, are emitted into the liquid crystal displays, which are sensitive to these fluctuations.
The electrical signals, or “p-caps”, which are sent to the liquid crystal display, change when the finger pushes the screen in different directions. If these changes are not detected, the circuit will not run, and the screen will not display anything. On the other hand, if the changes in the p-caps are detected, the circuit will run, and the display will display whatever is on the screen. There are four different types of touch points: surface, capacitive, resistive and infrared. A resistive touch screen generally operates over a wireless network like a laptop computer, while surface and infrared touch points are often used in conjunction with one another.